What is the DOT Score?

The DOT Score is an in-house evaluation tool, created and adapted over months, to measure and evaluate the experience of digital products and services.

We looked at many UX heuristics to form the basis of the foundation of this score and then applied our expertise to create an inclusive quantifiable score relevant to today’s time.

Each heuristic is weighted and our own algorithm scores each of the six key heuristics out of 100, then gives an overall score. The DOT Score only measures UX, it doesn't factor in other aspects such as price, product selection, offline customer service and so on.

  • square icon
  • Useful and appropriate

Measures the usefulness and appropriateness of the system to serve user needs of accomplishing a task.

  • square
  • Effective and efficient

This rates the system’s intuitiveness and ease of use for users to complete their task at hand in optimum time.

  • blue sqaure
  • User control and flexibility

At all times, the users stay in control of the system and it operates in accordance to users’ mental model.

Digital of Things - dot heuristics
  • yellow square icon
  • Pleasant and delightful

Measures how aesthetically pleasing the system is in generating delightful emotions amongst users.

  • orange icon
  • Content and text

How up-to-date, accurate, and concise the content is to support users to complete their task.

  • square
  • Inclusive design

The accessibility of users irrespective of the physical or digital limitations.

What are the benefits of getting a DOT score?

The DOT score is a great way to measure the UX of your product, but also benchmark against others in the market, as well as the progress you have made in improving UX.
